MMMMmmmm. Food…

Yup, yesterdays breakfast was tortellini in lentil tomato sauce (I kid you not) and yesterdays lunch, well I forgot but it was tasty, Jacket potato, peppered mackeral, salad. A couple of bits of fruit for a snack (I usually have four meals a day, yesterday obviously wasn’t a typical day) and a tea of cous cous with okra, peas and edamame beans, the other half of the mackeral fillet, leftover salad and a softly boiled egg. I was so hungry that I started eating before I remembered to take a picture.

This mornings breakfast:

Was pretty unfulfilling. I just cannot stomach sweet stuff first thing in the morning. maybe a poached egg tomorrow…

I’m looking forward to lunch though:

 spinach, sweet potato and green lentil curry with rice. It’s cooking now, smells lush.

I’m off out on the bike later to go marshall at the club ten. I’m wondering how that’s going to affect my eating.

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4 Comments on “MMMMmmmm. Food…”

  1. LTMWB Says:

    I would worry bout the gas u mite produce when your marshalling 😦 cud b a bonus on your bike tho 🙂

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