The June 100 Challenge

Friend Phill blogged about how he had set himself the goal of cycling 100 miles in the fat cycly bloggers went, pee was taken and jokes were made and now Friend Phill has 9 other cyclists waiting for him to come in under (whoops, meant to write support and coerce him to achieve, honest). And now here we are, with a special spreadsheet and a set of very strict rules to shout about. (look: Phills Burblings ) off the fat cycly bloggers went, pee was taken and jokes were made and now Friend Phill has 9 other cyclists waiting for him to come in under (whoops, meant to write support and coerce him, honest). And now here we are, with a special spreadsheet and a set of very strict rules .

You know that due to necessity and also because it’s one of the few things that can stave off the black days I do ride a fair few miles. This week I vowed that at least for the duration I would ride no further than 30 miles a day. So far I’ve been out twice, cyclemeter says I wasn’t very fast but taking into consideration traffic and top speeds compared to my perceived exertion I am pretty pleased with it. Anyway I had a point here somewhere. Oh yeah, despite being taunted with talk of a trophy (really!!) I’m actually aiming not to hit a hundred miles, that would be silly, getting to the shops and on the Clubs Saturday ride would do that in one week. What I want to go for is to shave 100 miles from my monthly average. Stupid it may be and I can’t wait to see some of the silly miles we will be putting in just cos there’s online spreadsheet for all the world to see. So, anyone think they can cram in hundreds of miles and best the lot of us? Go on, it’ll be fun. Just mosey on over to friend Phills blog ( The list and spreadsheet) and stick your name down.

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9 Comments on “The June 100 Challenge”

  1. mark K Says:

    Have been doing this for the whole year at

    Some of these nutters are doing 1,500 miles in a month. Im struggling to hit 400 a month. Ah well at least im getting faster

  2. PhilR Says:

    OK, I have gone for it, see if it gives me an extra kick, will also be interesting to see the ratio of Postie Bike miles (commute) and Leisure Bike miles (leisure).
    Will mean I have to remember to document commute though.

  3. redbike Says:

    I think I will stay clear of that spreadsheet but you’ve just inspired me to actually keep a record of my mileage next month.

  4. Joby Says:

    I’ve already plotted 1,314 miles for June… Can’t wait until tomorrow 😉

    Ha ha.

    Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll break 400 again this month 😦

  5. Thanks for the shameless unsolicited promotion Carrie! I’m sure at least 3 of the punters have come from here. nice one!

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